About us

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Thank you for your interest to know more about us.

Welcome to BeInspired Show Global Network πŸŽ–πŸ€—πŸ’–

We are a digital/online management and consultation brand joyfully telling the stories of Africa businesses, entrepreneurs and startup founders to a global world.

Through strategic, inspiring and unique content, we have INSPIRED over 283,000 people across the globe via our online platform at BeInspired Show.

BeInspired Show over the last three years have built, managed and promote the brand and online presence of several businesses, SMEs, NGOs and government agencies via strategic content development, branding and digital advertising.

We believe in Africa businesses. And we understand that with the right digital strategies, your business can dominate the world. Hence we offer vital online services such as:

  • Brand Management and Strategies
  • Content Creation and Development
  • Website and Graphic Design
  • Digital Advertising/marketing
  • Google My Business Profiling
  • Social Media Management
  • Script and SEO Writing
  • Networking Strategies
  • Coaching and Consulting Services

Our clients are personal and business brands in Africa and diaspora looking to expand their network, increase engagement, dominate their online space, reach new clients through digital and social media marketing. 

“Your market is global, think global.” Mercy Omoregie, Content Strategist, BeInspired Show

Below are some of our Executive Clients:

Glorious Home Campaign

The RomanSpage Health

Adedotun Studio Production

Tunde Ekpekurode Foundation

Green Fresh Greek Yoghurt

Xangard Media

Fansite Tube (A subsidiary of DeepEnd Entertainment)

Red Wire Limited

Ignite Startup

Osahon Memorial Montesorri School

BeInspired, Big brands, SMEs

Our audience are young people, entrepreneurs and anyone with a heart for learning and a desire to grow harnessing the new media.

Through our shows, we have drawn inspiration from renown influencers, entrepreneurs, authors, Β CEOs, celebrities, thought leaders, government and forward thinking technocrats.

Our mission is simpleTo build a global platform for Learning, Growth and Impact. Helping you do the same!

BeInspired Show

With a vision to place Africa entrepreneurs on a global map via the new media, we will not only help you market your brand and businesses online, we will help you develop unique, strategic and invaluable content that resonates deeply with your audience, keeping your brand at top mind.

It’s all about beautifully telling your story to the world. With us as your online and brand manager, the world is not just a global village, but a local market.

BeInspired Show Global Network is founded by Mercy Omoregie. An astute and creative writer. New Media Consultant and Author.

The Internet has made it easy to build a global brand even from the comfort of your room.

Bringing us in makes it much more easier! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ˜

Let’s get on the business of building your global brand!

Send us a DM

Mercy Omoregie

Content Strategist

BeInspired Show Global Network

Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @BeInspiredShow

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